On September 16 the IV Forum of Kazakhstan Machinery Manufacturers took place in Astana devoted to the theme "Developed mechanical engineering - competitive Kazakhstan" with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, members of the Mazhilis (Parliament) of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 108 delegates from 20 countries of the world.
04/10/2016 Kazakhstan newsThe IV Forum of Kazakhstan Machinery Manufacturers organized by the Government of the RK and «Association of Kazakhstan Machinery Industry» took place on September 16. The organizers announced a demonstration of the development capacity of the national machinery industry, as well as attracting investments and world giants of the industry for cooperation as a main goal of the Forum.
«From year to year on the basis of the results of our forums, a number of projects implemented by us grows, the level of international cooperation increases" said Chairman of the «Association of Kazakhstan Machinery Industry» Meiram Pshembayev.
According to the Minister for investments and development of RK Zhenis Kasymbek for 4 years (from 2010 to 2014) in Kazakhstan there were implemented 75 large-scale projects in the field of mechanical engineering, which allowed to create additionally more than 7 thousand jobs.
According to information provided by the press service of the Association of Kazakhstan Machinery Industry this year Forum was attended by a record number of foreign delegates from 20 countries of the world.
At the section industry meetings during the day the delegates discussed urgent problems of mechanical engineering for the near future – this is the mining, energy, transport and the railway industries, instrumentation and defense industry, they considered measures to support national engineering industry, opportunities for attracting investments and further technological development within the framework of the new trends and changes in the European Union standards in connection with their gradual transition to ecological transport.
As it was noted at the Forum, it turned out that the car manufacturing industry was mostly affected by the crisis over the last year. At that, the machinery-manufacturing enterprises in the Northern Kazakhstan Oblast, operating in other sectors of the economy in the first half of the year 2016 increased their portfolio of orders by 8.2%.
Based on materials: www.smkz.kz, www.tengrinews.kz, www.zakon.kz, www.inform.kz