30/7/2015 Association news

The KAAR President Vladimir Turekhanov makes a visit to Aktobe to meet with the Federation «Kazrobotics» established for the development of educational and sports robotics in Kazakhstan. The meeting was held in Aktobe city centre of technical creativity.

30/7/2015 Association news
The teams discussed the possibilities of cooperation and joint plans.

The picture captures the KAAR President Vladimir Turekhanov, President of Kazrobotics Aulov Anton, Vice President of Kazrobotics, teacher in Aktobe CTT Alexander Goncharov.

Also interesting

The President of KAAR Kazakhstan Association of Automation and Robotics became Vladimir Turekhanov, having nearly 20 years of experience in the field of information and communication technologies.
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The Kazakhstan Association of Automation and Robotics became a participant of III Forum of mechanical engineers of Kazakhstan, opened today in Astana.
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