10/9/2015 World news

Center of mechatronics FMTC (USA) has introduced a high-tech remote controlled tractor. This device is constructed to ease the everyday work of agricultural workers.

10/9/2015 World news
The tractor is mounted with automated control system, sensors and GPS which define an optimal speed, steering radius to the accuracy of 1 cm and maintain the specified regime. International agriculture is coming through a process of switching to high technologies according to the information of the international magazine The Robot Report.

The new remote controlled tractor has begun working at Iowa State fields in USA.

Based on materials of therobotreport.com, kinze.com

Also interesting

According to the first data of an investigation carried out for the period of 2013 – 2019 years capacity of the world’s market of automatics and robotics has a potential of reaching $147,7 bln by the year 2019.
Read fully 15.7.2015