Transtelecom JSC a member of the Kazakhstan Association of Automation and Robotics is planning to cover the entire railroad line with LTE network.
02/5/2017 Kazakhstan newsWhat is a modern human worried most about nowadays? There are two things - security and access to the Internet. The passwords, security cameras, GPS navigation, etc. provide us the security. We all have a fear of being «out of the network» while leaving the city. Currently an information and telecommunication operator of Transtelecom railway transport complex is working on it and planning to cover the entire railroad line of the country with 4G network.
The LTE network of Transtelecom will differ from the networks organized by mobile operators, as to provide high-speed Internet access of up to 70 Mb/s in moving object, it is required to build special stations along the entire railway track and equip the vans with appropriate modems.
In addition to providing users with Internet access while traveling by train, the LTE network built along the railway has two important functions:
- Ensuring the safety of goods transported by railway transport. Video surveillance devices and alarm signals from the sensors in the trains will help to determine the penetration, recall the forgotten luggage and find prohibited objects for import. Electronic keys or indicators on freight cars open at autopsy and give signals. For this wireless system, a certain frequency is allocated, this is not a sound signal, but simply information coming to the dispatcher or even the owner of the cargo as an SMS message informing that your cargo has been opened.
- Help the driver. Today, if we compare the driver of a train with a driver of motor transport, the driver of a train can be considered blind, as he does not see long-range turns and the state of the tracks. The only tool for the driver to monitor the road are the signals of traffic lights on the runways, sent by dispatchers. The LTE network will allow you to locate video cameras on the stretches and in the steppe. Thanks to real-time video surveillance all along the way, the driver can see the road 2-3 km ahead, which will help him to react in advance to emergency stops. After the train overcomes a certain length of track, which was recorded by the first camera, there is an automatic switch to the second camera for monitoring the next segment.
According to the materials of the official press release of «Transtelecom» JSC: https://www.transtelecom.kz/en/news/view/83